Can't Get Right?

Just the other day while en route to the gym, my stomach and persuasive army of taste buds, decided to team up and hypnotize me. When I returned to my senses, I was sitting in a Publix grocery store parking lot with a box of round, soft, flaky, fluffy, donuts in my lap.   After I quickly digested only one tasty diet no-no, followed by a slightly sugary liquid beverage, I proceed to my original destination, the gym.

    Have you ever tried to do the right thing, but somehow ended up doing the wrong thing, only to try and do the right thing again? It sounds like Abbot and Costello’s who’s on first routine.  A dessert detour can seem minute compared to the throes of life.  However, this example shines the light on the challenges we face daily, big and small.

    The apostle Paul put it this way, “For what I do is not the good I want to do; no, the evil I do not want to do-this I keep on doing” (Romans 7:19 NIV). We all struggle, but should not beat ourselves up if detours leads us astray. Let's get back on track by seeking God’s will. Keep pushing forward, evolving: spiritually, mentally, financially, socially, and physically. God is for us. God will help us, and God loves us. And I like to think God loves donuts too.